Pesky Possum
Bird & Pest Control

See the WorkDash case study for Pesky Possum Bird and Pest Control.

An Introduction to Pesky Possum
Bird and Pest Control

Pesky Possum Bird and Pest Control (Pesky) is an established business that has been operating in
Southeast Queensland for over 25 years.

Pesky operates 3 websites.

Project Overview

WorkDash was initially engaged by Pesky to provide IT support and Business Management Consulting (business development and compliance). Upon engagement WorkDash compliance
review quickly found that a bookkeeping service provider was not complying with ATO obligations on behalf of Pesky and was unknowingly receiving fines for this non-compliance. WorkDash assisted in legally removing the supplier and any outstanding associated payments for their services.

Pesky had been using another service provider for digital marketing for nearly 10 years. The performance over time began to decrease while service and related costs (Google spend) over a 12- month period increased by nearly 100%. Frustrated with the performance and dramatic increase in costs, Pesky turned to WorkDash for marketing support. In May 2020 WorkDash took over providing digital marketing services. WorkDash also began providing print media and graphic design services.

Pesky was heavily paper driven and document management was archaic. Pesky required a cloud-based software solution to improve job management while being easy to use. Pesky soon after starting using the WorkDash Business Management software in July 2018 and have not looked back since.

The Project Scope

WorkDash was the consultant for the following integrated approach which included the complete
management of Pesky’s digital footprint. Key requirements included target marketing of geographical
areas with targeted pest control and bird proofing services.

  • Digital and Print Design – business cards, brochures, invoice books
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Office hardware – Desktop computers, laptops, PABX, Google Suite
  • Website – content generation / hosting / management
  • Marketing – SEO / Social Media (including content generation)
  • Document creation and management – SHEQ, Business Development
  • Supplied and delivered a cloud-based telephony solution with a 1300 number
  • IT support – onsite / remote
  • WorkDash SaaS – ongoing subscription to business management software
  • Business Consulting – SHEQ, business development, finance, administration support
Software Integrations | WorkDash IT Services

Our Approach

WorkDash was engaged as a supplier of choice for delivery of WorkDash’s entire suite of service offerings. We took the following approach.

An agile approach was used in this project for the following reasons


Existing services were already
being provided to Pesky + these needed
to be integrated


The Pesky owner was busy with daily
operations, preventing them from spending any time improving the business


Ongoing adjustments to digital
marketing required ongoing operational


Wholistic digital management approach was required to maximise benefits and minimise costs

WorkDash ensures each element of service delivery is managed internally by the relevant department.
We conduct regular informal meetings and communicate extensively with our service delivery team daily, ensuring all WorkDash clients are provided the highest quality of service.
We take a proactive approach to risks and opportunities for our client’s protection, benefit and continual improvement.

For this project, the objectives and targets were established and delivered according to the priority determined between Pesky and WorkDash.

  • Implement a marketing strategy that improves Pesky lead rates
  • Reduce digital marketing budget and Google ad spend without impacting leads
  • Updated and improve print media paraphernalia and reduce current costs
  • Reduce spam web enquiry forms
  • Websites Update – including domain registration and hosting
  • Ongoing SEO services including blog writing
  • Social Media content generation and management – Facebook / LinkedIn
  • Implementation of a cloud-based solution for operational improvement (includes integration
    with Xero)
  • Develop Pesky documentation and structure within Pesky Google suite
  • Review Pesky financials and recommend areas for cost reduction
  • Establish and maintain digital assets including related dashboards and systems.
WorkDash IT Services | IT Support

The Results

The following results were achieved for Pesky Possum Bird and Pest Control

  1. Reduced monthly spend by more than 50% while achieving better results.
  2. 428% increase in organic site traffic to sites
  3. 280% increase in total keywords
  4. Average daily web enquiry forms increased from 2 to 5+
  5. Extensive backlink cleaning. Domain went from 89% toxic backlinks to <1%. This increased
    domain authority score from 5 to 27
  6. 250% increase in top ranking keywords
  7. Google Ads – Cost per conversion reduced from $82 to $29
  8. Google Ads – Cost per click reduced from $5 to $2.40
  9. Updated branding for 3 entities and websites.
  10. Logo artwork x 3 was recreated as Pesky did not have them on file (note: all client IP is given
    to clients unlike some other suppliers. We empower our clients)
  11. All business management needs are recorded through the WorkDash software enabling gains in productivity and efficiency.
  12. Ongoing professional business consulting services in HR, legal, business development and 

Our Benefits

Choosing WorkDash provides a number of key benefits to any business and Pesky Possum Bird & Pest Control is no exception.

WorkDash delivering this project resulted in the following benefits to Pesky Possum Bird & Pest Control.

WD identified the best SM channels and developed a targeted organic posting strategy to engage the target demographics and audiences of Pesky Possum. This strategy enabled us to drive traffic to the Pesky Possum website while building on Pesky Possum's branding and digital footprint.

Pesky uses a complete cloud solution with custom integrations and automations that simply work!

WorkDash developed a next-gen site which ranks in the top 3% for desktop, tablet and mobile speed. The site was built with SEO, performance and user experience foundations to beat out competition with current search engine algorithms as well as the developments in algorithms coming in the next 12-24 months.

WorkDash developed a tailored comprehensive SEO strategy including on-page, off-page and technical SEO elements. In developing and implementing this SEO strategy we were able to outperform industry standards in SEO, achieving top ranking across target keywords in just 6 weeks.