What Is SEO? Do you need it?

What Is SEO? Do you need it?

What is SEO? Do you need it for your website? The WorkDash team are breaking down everything you need to know about SEO in our latest blog article.

What Is SEO?

SEO is a technical term which stands for Search Engine Optimisation. It is the process of making changes to your website to improve the way in which it performs in search engine ranking results. When your potential clients and customers search online for your services in popular search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing, they use a combination of search terms called keywords. A keyword could be something like “local plumber”, “business consulting near me” or “car mechanic”. When one of these keywords is searched the search engine uses various elements of sites across the web to determine what sites should be shown first to the user. Search Engine Optimisation is the action of optimising those elements that search engines focus on to make sure your website shows up as high as possible in the ranking results.

Why Do You Need SEO?

So you have a great website. It’s full of awesome images, informative content and positive reviews. Now you need your customers to find you online! Without SEO, this task is impossible. Over 90% of clicks across the web are made on the first page of search results. This means if you aren’t on the first page your customers simply won’t find you. If you rely on your website for customers, then SEO is one of the most important elements of your entire business strategy.

With a fully optimised site you will receive more search engine presence, more traffic and more sales. SEO really is a crucial element of the modern business.

The Three Forms of Search Engine Optimisation

There are three forms of SEO; on-page, off-page and technical. On-page SEO includes the HTML elements of your site like page titles, meta descriptions, image alt text and header tags as well as the content you use on your web pages. These elements are incredibly important as they will determine what keywords your site ranks for, which is why you need to ensure they include the right keywords so that your site appears in the right search results.

Off-page SEO is all about one element, backlinks! A backlink is when another site links back to your site. Although not as important as they once were, backlinks remain an important ranking factor that should be a part of your SEO strategy as they act as a form of ‘vote of confidence’ for your site from other sites. This informs search engines like Google that your site is trustworthy and should be promoted highly in search.

Technical SEO relates to the performance of your website. The most important performance metric is site speed. If your site is slow then it will not be promoted in search engine ranking results as it is likely to provide users with a poor experience. Having a fast site is crucial to performing well in search engine ranking results. Other important elements of technical SEO are your site’s device responsiveness and how it communicates with search engine crawler bots like Googlebot.

WorkDash Search Engine Optimisation Services

At WorkDash, we offer set and custom packages to help rocket your site to the top of search engine rankings. Our service is a complete offering across on-page, off-page and technical SEO. This services like on-page optimisation, site speed improvements, backlink generation and blog writing. We have the tools, experience and skills to take your website to the next level in search.

Need an SEO Boost?

Does your site need an SEO boost? The marketing team here at WorkDash are here to help. You can click here to find out more about our SEO services and how we can help boost your site to the top of search engine rankings.

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